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Selecting Plastic Labware

What should you consider when selecting a plastic?

There are many things you should consider when selecting what type of plastic container you will use. The factors range from color, shape and size to the ability of the plastic to resist damage from any extreme heat, extreme cold, or chemical breakdown it may be subjected to.

Things to think about when selecting a container:

  • Permeation / Barrier - Does the container act as an oxygen barrier against contaminants?
  • Sorption Characteristics - The action of soaking up or attracting substances.
  • Chemical Resistance - Are the contents of the bottle going to break down the plastic?
  • Stress Crack Resistance - How likely is the container to break?
  • Rigidity / Flexibility - Should the packaging be stiff or bendable.
  • Impact Resistance - The likelihood the package will break.
  • Sterilize - Can the packaging withstand sterilization process?
  • Recyclable - Can the package be recycled?
  • Temperature Resistance - Is the packaging going to breakdown if exposed to extreme heat or extreme cold?

Decided which factors are the most important to you and your product? Some of these factors may not apply to you at all, while there may be other things you want to consider beyond those listed. Each product is unique, so testing the product in the packaging is the only way to truly know if it is the best packaging choice for your product.

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